Steam basics
An introduction to Steam Bathing
Why Steam?
Home steam showers make you feel good every day.
A home steam room creates it’s own landscape, where the senses expand and boundaries soften. It is the most sensual of beauty rituals: relaxation and rejuvenation, stimulation and exhilaration.
With a home steam shower, you get all this. And More. Much more:
Steam Bathing 101.
A typical Mr Steam steam shower or steam room is made up of the following components, a pre-sized steam generator, a controller with a matching steam head. Additional features and functions such as AromaTherapy, ChromaTherapy and MusicTherapy maybe added for your comfort
Soft hygienic steam is produced within the Mr Steam Stainless Steel steam generator. Each Mr Steam, steam generator is sized to suit the airspace to receive the steam in. Correct sizing ensures bather comfort and economy. Let us assist you with selecting the right size for you.
Be seated and relax, allow for either a Mr Steam fold up seat in a small steam shower or bench seating in a larger space. Detox and glow, steam bathing will increase your body temperature and start the sweating process faster than sauna. 20 minutes is a typical bathing period.
Mr Steam Controllers are installed within your steam room, allowing you to adjust the temperature and bathing time without leaving the steam bath. Mr Steam Controllers may also be fitted outside the steam room, typically in commercial situations when user access is to be minimised.
Turn on your steam bath from anywhere in the house, either by Mr Steam smart device app or the iGenie remote control or programme start times, by the hour, day or week on the iSteam Controller. Steam Rooms and Steam Showers are to be built and treated as an internal wet area, allow for plumbing drainage and waterproofing.
Your new Mr Steam steam shower can be retrofitted into an existing shower or become the feature of your new bathroom.
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